Apparel Design

In 2010 Cada Casa offered its first class: screen printing. Since then we have helped hundreds of participants turn concepts into printed realities. Soon students expressed an interest to learn more about garment construction, at which point we broadened our mission to focus on Apparel Design in general. Over the years we have expanded our capabilities to include embroidery, indigenous dyes, vinyl printing, partnerships with local designers, and most recently, fashion shows highlighting the creativity of emerging creatives. Our first goal is to first inspire through impassioned exploration, and then support through mentorships and personalized experiences.

Dynamic Support for the community

Want to start an Apparel Design club at your school? We go you. Need some help on that first design? For sure. Need some new kits for that Sunday league team? Only the drippiest. Already know how to screen print, but need some help reclaiming/burning? We love the DIY, but let’s do some parts together, ya?


Sample Curriculums

  • Sewing Pathway

    • Class 1: What is design? Tap into creativity, explore different types of production (sewing or printing)

    • Class 2: Intro to tools, use/maintain sewing machine, explore machine, basic stitching, types of thread.

    • Class 3: Sewing material together, deconstructing garments, working w/ different materials

    • Class 4: Creating garment from scratch, repurposing existing garments, reattaching limbs,

    • Class 5: Intro to embroidery w machine/hand embroidery, tools,

    • Class 6: Attaching zippers, buttons, miscellaneous objects, patchwork

  • Screen Printing Pathway

    • Class 1: What is design? Tap into creativity, explore different types of production (sewing or printing)

    • Class 2: Analyzing and understanding the different types of screen printing (vinyl, ink, prefab vinyl)

    • Class 3: Creating a design that works (use of adobe illustrator) and vectors

    • Class 4: Prepping and burning a screen, selecting and ordering garments

    • Class 5: Intro to printing, different inks and techniques

    • Class 6: Multiple color prints