Nike Latino Design Crew + BHS

Project Mission:

  • Introduce LatinX Design Crew as a Network of Nike Latin Creatives committed to helping the youth through volunteering opportunities

  • Inspire the next generation of Latinx designers in Beaverton (and beyond)

  • Disrupt stereotypes and show Latino/x creative careers representation

  • Design and produce quality merch to be used for club fundraisers

Session 1: Designer Panel & Team Introductions

  • Introduction of Nike panel, their job/responsibilities/projects, and their interests in high school

  • Presentation topics: cultural significance/experience of pursuing a creative field, overcoming stereotypes in education/career, steps towards pursuing such a career, collaboration, and teamwork

  • Break into small groups (two designers and five students) and introduce the design process, this project, and the first steps

Session 2: Collaborative Design

  • Development from brainstorming/concepts to mock-ups and prototypes

  • Refinement of ideas, the collaborative decision on the direction of the project

  • Timeline and next steps solidified

Session 3: Finalization

  • Refinement of ideas

  • Potentially present to the group


NORF ‘23


Bigger Than Hip Hop