Throughout the Summer of 2024, Cada Casa is designing, and painting two community-based murals in Portland
Project 1: RCTID & BAON
Tursi Soccer
825 SW 14th Ave, Portland, OR
Beautify the city by making it ours…
Frustrated by vandalism, Tursi Soccer has decided to change tactics and retake control of the urban pitch. In the world of Portland professional soccer, there are two phrases that capture the mentality and commitment of our supporters: Rose City Till I Die & By Any Other Name. This mural features a stylized gothic lettering set to a Portland cityscape and Cascade range background spanning two walls, just blocks from Providence Park. It is the capstone project of the ‘23-’24 Cada Casa CANS program, bringing students from three different schools together to create over 150 feet of street art.
Neighborhood Meeting & Application Information:
Tursi Soccer (825 SW 14th Ave, Portland, OR),
July 15, 2024, 4pm, also online: meet.google.com/ktj-atev-reb
Project 2: Dos Diegos
Sweet Home Bar & Grill
2824 N Lombard St, Portland, OR
Ode to the Diego Duo
There are no two names more important in the MLS-era Portland Timbers FC than Diego Valeri and Diego Chara. These two represent the heart of the team since joining the league, the star above our crest, the passion on the pitch, and character off the field. They deserve their spot in club history, and their faces on the streets of Portland for all to remember. The two Diegos represent more than just the team, but also the Latine and Black communities of North Portland. Design by Portland’s own Richard Miller, talented designer of many dope Timbers designs and eccentric overlord of Calyx Works. Painted in collaboration with PPS, and volunteers from the beloved TIFO crew.